Ilina Konakchieva
Executive Producer

Lyubomir Kashilski
Head of Game Design

Aleko Palyov

Nikolay Nikolov
Junior Game Designer

Kiril Karudov
Junior Game Designer

Nadezhda Kashilska
Junior Game Designer

Elena Kamenova
Junior Game Designer

Radi Anchev
Junior Game Designer

Milen Donchev
Head of Scenography

Teodora Mishineva
Prop Master

Maria Koleva
Set Decorator
The Fog LARP 2024 GMs
Dimitar Georgiev – Monster & NPC Management
Constantine Chotov – Use of Magic
Veronica Pancheva – Seventh Path
Claudia Ramirez – Potions & Alchemy
Aleko Palyov – Weapons Check & Lead Conflict Resolution
George Vlaykov – Chief Security, Fire Safety and First Aid
The Fog LARP 2024 Magic GMs
School of Water: Ventsislav Videv (FB: v.videv), Zdravy Venkova (FB: zdravy.venkova).
School of Air: Steliyan Ivanov (FB: steven.hide.7), Marius Petcu (FB: dapetcu21).
Earth School: Dara Gudzhunuva (FB: N33Nja02), Anastasia Wish (FB: AnastasiaWish)
School of Fire: Constantine Chotov (FB: Константин Чотов (Amris Meneldir), Ivana Yaneva (FB: ivanaqneva), Petko Nikolov (FB: petko.nikolov.7)
School of Life: Theano Xirouchaki (FB: theano.xir), Assi Kovacheva (FB: Assilisa), John Tzevelekos (FB: ioannistzevelekos)
School of Death: Alexander Dobrev (FB: a.d.dobrev), Despina Davouti (Messenger: Cassandre Saphir), Alex Georgiev (FB: alex.georgiev.1485)
Tsvetomir Tsvetkov
Ivan Hristev
Kiril Vasilev
Kiril Karudov
Pavel Slavov
Nick Kargiotis
Momchil Gochev
And finally… YOU, the players
Because The Fog LARP is only as good as the people who play it.